A first

“So whatcha got there, Dr Kahler, on this bright, summer’s day?”
“Oh, just my first manuscript submission and my fingers crossed.”

Submission 01 2018

Welcome. After many years of research and writing, and double-triple-checking and revising, and writing and revising some more, I have a nonfiction book manuscript. It is a family memoir entitled History for Tenzin. I hope that someday it will be available in your local bookstore, that you will buy it, read it, enjoy it ever so much and share it with your friends. What a story that would be!

In the meantime, this website and blog is also a first for me. I’ll post updates and insights into this unfolding publishing journey, reflections on research and writing, and other musings or information that may be of use or interest to writers, readers, researchers, historians, storytellers and listeners, and fellow participant-observers of life.

With the launch of this website and my manuscript in the mail, may January be the start of good things! Happy New Year 2018. Here we go…

— Angie

2 thoughts on “A first

  1. Thanks for following WordSisters! I hope you enjoy what you find. Congratulations on your new blog! Beth and I started ours 5+ years ago because we were both working on memoir manuscripts. We weren’t sure where we were going with the blog or how long we’d stay with it, but here we are.

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